Grid Dip Oscillators



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Obviously, I collect GDOs and also Wavemeters-plus... for some reason I'm not real sure of yet: BC-221s... I guess I'm looking for the 'perfect wave'!!!


There are two genres of GDOs of recent production (besides the 'common' Heath/Millen/Measurements models). I have classed these as the Midland-style and the only one of these is still being sold: the Loadstar-style.

The Midland is a solid-state GDO. Examples of this style can be seen as Midland, Thoro-Test, Monarch, and Quemont et al. The Tech TE-15-with some other small differences-looks very similar to this series, and the Lowe could be a 

The Loadstar is solid-state. Both have been private-labeled, with the Loadstar model produced for such companies as EICO, Leader, MFJ, and Novex, and many more.

The way I have counted "models" and 'manufacturers" is subject to definition. I have defined a "manufacturer" as any different "brand" name. This means that-although several of the Midland-style GDOs and the Loadstar-style GDOs are obviously private-labeled by the two manufacturers-I feel the only reasonable accounting is to call them separate manufacturers-so that the model numbers / types are not confused.

The NEXT  page begins the actual GDO types, by Manufacturer...


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